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The 5G era ushers in a new epoch of Internet of Everything.

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The 5G era ushers in a new epoch of Internet of Everything.

March 18, 2019

With the advent of the 5G era, the focus of communication networks is shifting from traditional human-to-human connections to a new epoch of Internet of Everything. This transformation not only deepens interpersonal communication but also establishes a novel bond for human-machine interaction. It is predicted that by 2024, global mobile data traffic will quintuple, with 25% of this traffic being transmitted over 5G networks, heralding an unprecedented deluge of data in the field of mobile communications.


The core advantages of 5G networks lie in their high bandwidth, high speed, and low latency, which are primarily supported by key technologies such as high-frequency millimeter waves and beamforming. Among these, Massive MIMO technology serves as the cornerstone of 5G networks, significantly enhancing user channel quality through beamforming and greatly increasing system capacity with Spatial Division Multiple Access (SDMA), making it an indispensable core technology in the evolution from 4G to 5G. Notably, the application of beamforming technology will propel millimeter-wave spectrum to achieve coverage on an unprecedented scale.


At the 2019 World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, 5G technology undoubtedly became the center of attention. From operators to equipment manufacturers, from terminal vendors to chip suppliers, every segment of the industry chain showcased their latest breakthroughs in the 5G domain. This technological feast not only displayed the development trends of the communication industry but also presented an innovative landscape of diverse flourishing. With the successive issuance of 5G commercial licenses, this technological revolution has fully commenced. From solution providers to equipment suppliers, and to infrastructure construction enterprises, the entire industry chain will become the first beneficiaries of the 5G era.



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